Roma, Italia

March 6, 2003
Weather: high of about 70ºF and sunny

Today is a more brutal day of walking than yesterday. By the end of the day, we've seen a portion of the Vatican and our legs can go no farther. This is much more walking than we did in India. The moto and cyclo touts would never let us walk this far. We wouldn't mind a few moto drivers right about now.

The walk from our hotel near the Spanish Steps takes us along the Tevere River and down this line of trees. Clearly, it isn't exactly spring here yet. But it is warm in the sun and we feel perfectly comfortable strolling all around Rome.
We cross a bridge of angels toward St Angelo Castle. That really is the real sky up there.
The plaza in front of St Peter's is lovely and my favorite part are the two fountains.
Here, we've climbed three thousand stairs up to the cupola of St Peter's and we're looking out over Rome. (By the way, pink is not "in" in Rome this season.)
The Apostles all have their backs to us and appear to be engaged to different degrees with the crowd in the plaza below.
The inside of St Peter's. And I thought that I could only get that rich atmosphere in India, but here it is in Italy. I tried to convince Julie to pose kneeling in the light of inspiration for the picture, but she wouldn't have it.
Looking up to the main dome of St Peter's. Below is the tomb of the Saint himself.

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