This is a corner of the Jami Masjid (or
Dargah Mosque) containing memorials of the royal family. Ackbar was a
great unifier of Muslim, Hindu, and Christian. The enscription over the
entrance to this plaza is this passage from the Koran: "Said Jesus Son
of Mary (peace be on him): The world is but a bridge - pass over without
building houses on it. He who hopes for an hour hopes for eternity; the
world is an hour - spend it in prayer for the rest is unseen."
Our guide told us that this white shrine is
better than the Taj Mahal. We just have to trust him on that since we
haven't seen the Taj yet. This shrine honors a holy man that prayed for
Akbar to have a son, and he did, by his third wife.
This is the building Akbar used to hold
religious discussions between Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Jains, and
Zoroastrians. Akbar hoped to synthesize India's religions, but the
Muslims were offended by some of the discussions here and staged an
uprising which Akbar then crushed.
This platform was once
surrounded by rosewater and was the seat of court musicians. The
courtyard was covered in Persian carpets, and oil lamps hung
around the walls. Akbar kept a harem of as many as five thousand women
guarded by a legion of eunuchs. This point is of considerable interest
to our tour guide. |