These are silk worm coccoons. On the
paper are silk moths. They raise three breeds of silk worm here:
Thai, Cambodian, and a hybrid of the two. These are Cambodian
because they are yellow.
Here, one long silk thread is being dyed for
They use chemical dyes in this operation.
Our guide said that vegetable dyes aren't colorfast enough.
Julie was highly skeptical, but she didn't make a scene.
After buying lots of silk products, we
visited a land mine museum run by a man who placed and defused a lot of
mines in his day.
Here, he's keeping a pet snake on some of his
landmines. Mines still kill about 100 people a month in Cambodia.
We take a boat from Siam Reap to Phnom Penh
which takes us past floating houses and lots of fishermen working the
Tonle Sap lake.