Our friend Eric recommended blackwater
rafting. That's where you dress up in wet suits, hike in the rain
for twenty minutes up to a cave mouth. Then the guide leads you
through the caves down to an underground river. From there you sit
in an inner tube and float back to the starting point.
The wetsuits kept us pretty warm through the
cold cave and the chilly water. Even when we tubed through the
rapids that were swelling from the rain. Apparently the river rose
a few inches in just a few minutes as we were tubing. But the
most exciting part was floating through the caves and seeing the glow
worms on the cave walls.
Here are the pancake rocks in the rain.
I think of erosion as a generally subtle
thing. Not so here.
The drive up to Arthur's Pass was in heavy
rain, but that just made all the waterfalls and streams more dramatic.