Oops, did I lie already in such a short
email? Our travels also included a side-trip to Portland, OR, in
order to tuck our worldly belongings into a storage unit. While we
were there, we saw the sites, including the cow art in the local mall.
One of the sites in Portland is the newish
Chinese Garden (rated highly by the New York Times). We had to see
what the fuss was about. Personally, I like the Japanese Garden
better, but any garden is worth spending time in. [Julie prefers the
Chinese garden, just for the record.]
Then there was the day we hung out on Duxbury
beach in style with our friend Anne Toevs. We were taking the
chair to the dump so we had it in the truck. Which begged the question,
why sit on a folding chair when you've got a pleather recliner handy?
Duxbury beach looks a whole lot better from a comfy chair.
You may have heard rumors about the fancy
mountain bikes which we bought under pressure from our Connecticut
friend Bill Hall. It is true: we have dorky hats and padded
gloves, we've been drinking Gatorade and sweating in primary colors.
You're probably dying for a nice close up of all the caked mud,
but you'll be disappointed... mud just doesn't photograph well.