Our guidebook has a quote from Rudyard
Kipling in 1899: "The Palace of Boondi, even in broad daylight, is such
a Palace that men build for themselves in uneasy dreams -- the work of
goblins rather than of men." This is the view of the palace from our
hotel. |
It is a steep but short walk up to the palace
where we find the doors locked. "Maharaja brother and sister are
fighting," is the reason the caretaker gives for the locked doors. The
elephants above the doors were originally cast in bronze.
From the palace courtyard, we get a nice view
of the old city.
Leaving the palace, we hike
further up the hill to the fort. This is a view looking back to the
palace. I have to say it is far better than anything we've seen in
Everquest, but here there is no danger of sarnaks.
It isn't entirely clear if we are allowed to
explore in the fort, but in the absence of anyone to ask, we assume that
we are welcome. We creep in the door and explore the silent fort. This
is one of our favorite experiences in India.
There are fabulous marble floors, murals, and
incredible stonework. And not another tourist anywhere. We climb up to
the roof battlements. We creep through the dark passages down to the
protected access to the well. It is thrilling and beautiful.
Outside the fort is a large banyan tree full
of monkeys. We stand under the tree and listen to the sounds of 30
monkey mouths munching leaves all around us. They jump and swing and
play and quarrel. And they ignore us for the most part. A well-dressed
Indian family comes by and throws stones at the monkeys and chases half
of them away and gets the remaining ones very agitated. We ask why, and
they say it is to defend themselves.
We sit under the tree after the tourist
family leaves and watch as the monkeys come back to the tree and
continue their frolicing. This baby monkey is as interested in us as we
are in him.